Doing business in Italy

Italy, located in the Mediterranean Sea’s heart, provides enterprises with a strategic entrance to consumers throughout the European Union, Northern Africa, and the Middle East.

Investors are welcome in Italy’s open economy. To earn investor trust and confidence, the country has enacted important reforms, including the formation of a high-level commission within the Ministry of Economic Development. The Italian Trade Agency provides a “one-stop-shop” for pre-investment information, business set-up assistance, and continuing incentive and contract after-care.

Italy is Europe’s second-largest manufacturing country, after only Germany. Italy’s products continue to be known for their great quality and design. Investors can choose from a huge pool of expertise in a variety of fields, including machine tools, fashion, culinary, automotive, and pharmaceuticals.

Investors can discover opportunities in numerous high-tech areas with a variety of government incentives, depending on the region and industry, in line with Italy’s goal of attracting FDI centered on innovation and sophisticated technologies.

We provide a comprehensive business solution package that helps you successfully and profitably run your businesses. Our team is well equipped with the experience and skills in all areas of business operations

Setup Business

We are a major Italian corporate service provider that specializes in company setup and related services. We pledge to provide you with the most transparent, high-quality backend, frictionless operations, and tailored solutions possible. Our distinctive, strategic, and innovative strategy assists the entrepreneurial mind in establishing business roots and increasing productivity.

Form a business

Using our company formation tools, you can register the legal name, legal address, and VAT number. Learn more about how our team can help with company formation and incorporation on this page:

Transfer business

Our team of economists and lawyers will help you carry out a business transfer and advise you on all possible issues.

Business overview in Italy

Italy’s economy is diverse, with a sophisticated industrial north controlled by private enterprises and a less-developed, heavily subsidized agrarian south with higher unemployment. The manufacturing of high-quality consumer goods by small and medium-sized businesses, many of which are family-owned, is a major driver of the Italian economy. Italy also has a sizable subterranean economy, which accounts for up to 17% of GDP, according to some estimates. Agriculture, construction, and service industries are the most prevalent places to find these activities.

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