Registration services in Italy

If you’re an investor, the first thing you’ll probably ask yourself if you’re considering forming a company in Italy is, “What are the benefits to my firm if I opt to establish a base there?” The good news is that forming a corporation in Italy has many advantages that an astute investor can take advantage of.

Company registration

We are a major Italian corporate service provider that specializes in company formation and related services. We pledge to provide you with the most transparent, high-quality backend, frictionless operations, and tailored solutions possible.

Virtual office registration

Get a virtual office in Italy that can be used as a licensed workplace and that offers many benefits to employees and entrepreneurs.

Legal address registration

Your company’s registered address should be the most convenient location for important documents to be delivered to your directors or shareholders. Choose the most likely address where critical mail will be handled quickly and efficiently if your company has many locations.

Trademark registration

Experts search for a trademark by the name of the business you choose. A trademark application can be filed digitally or by completing an application form, which is downloaded and sent to the Trademark Office.

Brand-name registration

Professionals choose a different brand name and logo. According to the Italian name register, the brand name must not be misleading and must accurately reflect corporate offers.

Patent registration

For PCT applications filed on or after July 1, 2020, an Italian national patent can be obtained. SPCs can be used to provide protection. San Marino’s patents can be enforced in Italian territory, and vice versa, thanks to an agreement with Italy.

Business opportunities in Italy

The agricultural sector, manufacturing sector, automobile industry, service industry, creative arts and the inventive industry, tourism sector, fashion industry, and other industries all contribute to Italy’s economic prosperity. Italy is one of the world’s top producers of wines and perfumes, as well as the world’s sixth-highest tourism earner, with an estimated annual tourism income of $43.9 billion. Italy is Europe’s second-largest manufacturing country, after only Germany. Italy’s products continue to be known for their great quality and design. Investors can choose from a huge pool of expertise in a variety of fields, including machine tools, fashion, culinary, automotive, and pharmaceuticals.

Business solutions

To see more of our business-related solutions in Italy, go to the doing business page:

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